Seven Ways CBD Oil May Help Your Pet

Seven Ways CBD Oil May Help Your Pet

With the growing number of uses for which CBD is being lauded, it’s time to think beyond what it can do for the human body alone. A lot of current CBD testing is being done on animals with remarkable results. It means that your pet should be able to enjoy many of the benefits of CBD oil treatments. 

It’s something that has crossed the minds of only a few pet owners. They spend exorbitant amounts of money on vet bills and expensive medications. But these medicines often have harmful or uncomfortable side effects. What if there was an alternative, natural way to treat some illnesses and conditions that affect our pets.

What you need to know about CBD oil

Cannabinoid oil or CBD comes from a plant that belongs to the cannabis family. A lot of people are immediately going to associate it with marijuana. It’s true that marijuana comes from a cannabis plant, but that’s where the similarity ends.

The difference between CBD products and marijuana products is the levels of tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. THC is the chemical compound in marijuana that causes the high you’d picture when you think about cannabis. 

Marijuana contains higher levels of THC. CBD contains only trace amounts of the compound. Therefore, the stories you’ve heard about altered moods and dependency forming properties of marijuana don’t apply to CBD.

What are the benefits of CBD oil products for your pets?


As they grow older, many pets experience joint pain, which is the result of arthritis. Most develop osteoarthritis. This condition is caused by the degeneration of the bones in the joints. It causes stiffness and limits mobility. In most cases, it is excruciating. There is little or nothing that can be done once osteoarthritis sets in to reverse the condition. However, there are treatments available to ease the inflammation it causes and resultant pain.

The symptoms of inflammation are redness, heat, swelling, and pain. One of the places it becomes the most obvious as pets age is in the hip joints. On the inside of the hip joint, you’ll be able to see that the skin is slightly inflamed, and it will feel warmer to the touch than other areas of the body. You should also be able to discern swelling, and the area is likely to be painful to the touch.

To improve the pet’s quality of life, it’s essential to treat the pain aggressively. This approach allows the pet continued mobility and reduced discomfort. The body’s endocannabinoid system contains receptors that create pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory reactions when it senses pain. CBD works similarly and can increase the body’s response to the pain inflammation causes.

Stress reaction to loud noises

Dogs are the pets that are most likely to experience a fear of loud noises. Not all dogs and other pets are afraid of loud noises such as bangs, fireworks, and thunder. For those that are, these sounds are terrifying. 

They stress the dog out, and there is little or nothing the owner can do to calm their beloved pet down. Dogs are prone to injuring themselves when exposed to loud noises due to the level of terror they provoke. It can become frustrating for pet owners as well. They cannot communicate to explain to the dog that the noises are harmless. 

While some loud noises are unexpected and cannot be planned for, others aren’t. For example, owners can take precautionary measures when holidays that bring with them a firework display approach. The 4th of July celebrations, New Year’s Eve, and Diwali are examples of such holidays. 

Owners can also keep an eye on local weather reports so that they are aware of potential thunderstorm activity. A dog’s sense of hearing is very sensitive. It is also affected by a drop in barometric pressure, which precedes a storm. That’s why your dog will start displaying signs of fear well before a storm reaches you.

The fear that a dog experiences, when exposed to loud noises, causes a release of adrenaline, cortisol, and other stress hormones. They send the dog into the flight or fright mode, which characterizes their behavior in the situation.

The endocannabinoid system also regulates hormone levels to bring the body into a state of balance, called homeostasis. CBD supplements the endocannabinoid system and enhances its functioning. It can help to lower the levels of stress hormones in the dog’s body.


Pets can experience anxiety for several reasons. For many of them, it has to do with separation from their owners. Most pets rely on their owners for their physical needs, such as food, water, and shelter. So, when their human leaves them to go to work, they become frightened that they won’t return. What will happen to them if their owner doesn’t come back?

Pets also hate the sight of suitcases. They know that their owners are going away and will be leaving them behind. It frightens them that they might never again see someone to whom they are so loyal. 

Pets display their anxiety in different ways, much like their human counterparts do. Some animals become highly destructive, ripping things up or digging in the garden. Others refuse to eat anything. A lot of dogs that bark excessively are doing so because they feel anxious. Some pets might hide or run away because they’re anxious and want to escape the situation that’s causing them to feel that way. Anxiety can even trigger diarrhea. 

CBD oil has a direct effect on the CB1 receptors of the endocannabinoid system. These receptors can affect serotonin levels in the body. This neurotransmitter has a massive impact on anxiety levels.

Digestive issues

A lot of pets are susceptible to problems with their digestive systems. The symptoms of digestive issues in pets include a change in appetite, usually in the form of reduced eating Diarrhea is also a common occurrence. Constipation can be accompanied by straining during stool passing and blood or mucus in the stool. Pets can also become nauseous and start vomiting. A pet that suddenly starts passing excess gas could be having digestive issues.

It is sometimes hard to get to the root of digestive problems in pets. However, the most common causes include trauma, allergies, toxins, a sudden dietary change, infection, or foreign objects. 

Some of the most common digestive conditions pets might experience include gastroenteritis, colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). An infection in the stomach causes gastroenteritis. Colitis is an inflammation of the bowel caused by viral, fungal, or parasitic infection. Allergens can also trigger it. IBS makes it difficult for the digestive system to function optimally. It can result in a lot of pain and discomfort.

It is believed that the endocannabinoid system plays an active role in the gastrointestinal system. CBD acts as an anti-inflammatory. It is also useful in the treatment of stress and anxiety symptoms, which often trigger digestive problems. CBD can also be used to treat the pain associated with a digestive problem.

Skin conditions

Many pets struggle with topical skin conditions. When their skin is itchy, they tend to scratch to the point of causing sores, hair loss, and infections. The causes of the itching include external parasites like mites and fleas. Allergies also cause dermatitis. It can even cause atopic dermatitis or eczema, which leads to patches of excessively dry skin.

Unlike people, you can’t tell your pet to stop scratching. The itch triggers them to scratch, bite, or lick the source. They don’t understand that it can make the situation worse, not better. The only way to help your pet is to alleviate the itching.

The repeated scratching, biting, and licking of irritated skin leads to inflammation. CBD works as an anti-inflammatory and can reduce the redness, swelling, and pain that inflammation causes. Rashes can also be exacerbated by dryness. CBD oil is a natural moisturizer. It helps with flaky or scaly skin.

A lot of medical treatments include corticosteroids. Cortisone is not safe for prolonged use, and it can also lead to weight gain. As an all-natural product, CBD oil is an excellent alternative for long-term skin health interventions.

Post-operative pain

Animals are frequently in a lot of pain after a surgical procedure. Pets have broken skin that has been sutured. Often, muscles have been hurt during the operation. Broken bones are also painful once they have been immobilized to allow them to reset. There will be swelling and inflammation around the site of the surgery. The area is also vulnerable to infections from bacteria. Depending on the nature of the operation and its location, pets may struggle with mobility while they recover from surgery.

Your pet will indicate that they are in pain by keeping still instead of moving around. They will vocalize their pain by crying out or whimpering. Some pets might refuse to eat or drink because they’re in pain. For minor surgeries, pets don’t come home with painkillers to take over the next few days. That doesn’t, however, mean that they aren’t in discomfort. 

As an anti-inflammatory, CBD is well-placed to help your pet recover from surgery. It is also starting to be recognized for its pain-killing or analgesic properties. The body contains receptors called nociception which alert it to pain. The endocannabinoid system receptors interrupt nociception, thereby suppressing the sensation of pain.

Prolonged periods of pain can be exhausting and hinder the recovery process. Relieving the pain will help to speed up your pet’s healing and get them back on their feet sooner.


A lot of dogs develop epilepsy. The available statistics indicate that about 5% of dogs have epilepsy. Disruptions to the electrical impulses in the brain result in seizures. Severe seizures can result in injury, permanent brain damage, or death. Epilepsy can be caused by head trauma, brain conditions, infectious diseases like meningitis, or genetic influences.

If you suspect your pet has epilepsy, you need to visit the vet for an official diagnosis. The vet will need to run several tests to determine if the animal has epilepsy. After that, the vet must decide what treatment is necessary. Treatment is designed to decrease seizure frequency and severity. The medication typically prescribed is anticonvulsant medicine. 

There is a growing belief that pets with epilepsy can benefit from CBD oil. The FDA-approved medication for dog epilepsy is called epidiolex. The product is CBD-based. According to prevailing logic, many people are starting to think that CBD oil can be just as effective. A small study showed that CBD treatments could reduce seizure frequency.

Different types of CBD treatments and how to choose the right one

CBD oil products for pets come in different forms. You can get edible treats to feed your dog. You might prefer to give your dog CBD capsules or mix the oil into their food. There are also topical treatments such as creams and ointments.

Which product will work best depends on what you want to use the CBD for. Creams and ointments are suitable for localized pain and skin irritations. The CBD doesn’t enter the bloodstream when used on the skin. For the treatment of more complex conditions like dog epilepsy, arthritis pain, and anxiety, pets should ingest CBD oil products. The CBD is absorbed into the bloodstream via the digestive system.

Important information you need to know before using CBD on your furry friend

  • Make sure you buy your CBD from a reputable manufacturer. Check the ingredients list to make sure there is less than 0.03% of THC in the product. The FDA does not yet regulate the CBD market. Established brands are more likely to deliver what they promise in terms of quality.
  • Currently, only CBD products made from the hemp plant are legal. Regulations vary from one state to another. Make sure you know the legalities around CBD use in your area.
  • There are no hard and fast dosage rules for CBD. When it comes to animals, the current guideline is 2mg per kilogram of body mass. Pet owners should always start with a minimal dose to see if it is effective. If not, the dose can gradually be increased until the desired effect is achieved.

This article was written by Maria Harutyunyan at Verified CBD Oil.

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