How this little rescue
entered our lives + why
we're thankful he did.

Meet Jonesy — our Jack Russell Terrier rescue pup, our second fur baby, and resident model at Dog Threads.

When we lost our beloved, Thomas (the face of DT), it was the most heartbreaking loss our family had ever experienced. He was our sweet and docile Pomapoo that we treated like a baby for his entire life. We could never replace the love that we have for Thomas, but we also knew that we wanted to share our lives with another dog that was in need of a happy home too.

Our son, Ziggy, is also deeply in love with dogs — and without Thomas around, we had to get creative on ways for him to be around dogs. We soon started visiting local adoption events so he (and we) could pet the pups.
After a handful of events we started following our favorite MN Rescues on Instagram. One night while scrolling through our feed we came across a picture of a very handsome (and large!) pup on the @underdogrescue page... and in the background of this selfie pic was Jonesy. His scruffy wire hair and long little body brought a smile to our face. We had to meet him.

Jonesy showed up at our house for a meet + greet on Mother's Day 2019. When we opened the door and saw this petite little puppy standing there looking up at us we all melted. He was the one. This tiny 9lb peanut is filled with so much spunk, love and mischief — keeping us on our toes and constantly laughing.
Ziggy and Jonesy have built an adorable bond that has been incredible to watch as their relationship continues to grow. And every morning Ziggy still looks at the Thomas painting in his room and says "doggie" with a big smile, then goes to find Jonesy-Dog to say good morning.
Dogs bring the world so much joy and they truly deserve the very best. We're grateful for all of these little moments that we have as a family. We cherish our memories with Thomas and look forward to making new ones with Jonesy.